The Helena Kiwanis Club, through a competitive application process, annually awards scholarships to students who have shown through their academic excellence, music abilities, and their community service that they will be an important and positive part of our country’s future.
One of the goals of the Helena Kiwanis Club is to raise funds to support young people as they move into higher education and become the leaders of tomorrow. These scholarships are funded through club fundraising efforts.
Scholarships awarded include Circle K, Key Club, Weber Music, and PAL Scholarships.
The Helena Kiwanis Club, through a competitive application process, annually awards scholarships to students who have shown through their academic excellence, music abilities, and their community service that they will be an important and positive part of our country’s future.
One of the goals of the Helena Kiwanis Club is to raise funds to support young people as they move into higher education and become the leaders of tomorrow. These scholarships are funded through club fundraising efforts.
Scholarships awarded include Circle K, Key Club, Weber Music, and PAL Scholarships.
Upcoming events
Meeting cancelled - In Honor of Jim Christnacht's funeral
Helena Transportation Changes - David Knoepke
Helena Food Share
L&C Humane Society
US States Attorney - Jesse Laslovich