
BUGRebecca HargisBringing Up Goals or BUG is a program designed to provide recognition to students that accomplish an established goal during a grading period. Recognition includes placement on the BUG Honor Roll and participation in a celebration that includes a special treat, award certificate and prize.
ContributionsMichael McClainReview funding request applications and make recommendations to the board of directors.
Flag ProjectPaul FowlerAmerican Flags are posted at subscribed locations on five major holidays, the proceeds funding club projects.
HouseBob Werner & Sue GarberSet up meeting equipment for weekly meetings.
MembershipMike ChristensenStrategizes ideas for membership recruitment and follow up with potential members.
ProgramJohn FinnPlan programs for weekly meetings.
ScholarshipHoward SkjervemReview applications to determine scholarship recipients.
Spiritual AimsSteve BostromSchedules invocations at weekly meetings and holiday program speakers.