Helena Kiwanis Club invites you to participate in our Kiwanis Flag Display Project. On five federal holidays; Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Veterans Day, club members post American flags at subscribing businesses. Flags are collected at the end of the day and stored until the next holiday.
Your support enables Helena Kiwanis to continue benevolent giving to the community while providing a beautiful patriotic statement to all who pass by your business. Cost per flag: $50 annually.
Flag Display Project
Helena Kiwanis Club invites you to participate in our Kiwanis Flag Display Project. On five federal holidays; Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Veterans Day, club members post American flags at subscribing businesses. Flags are collected at the end of the day and stored until the next holiday.
Your support enables Helena Kiwanis to continue benevolent giving to the community while providing a beautiful patriotic statement to all who pass by your business. Cost per flag: $50 annually.
Email Helena Kiwanis for more information.
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FWP Updates - Greg Lemon
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Boeing Helena
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MT Free Press - Unconfirmed
No Meeting - Merry Christmas
No Meeting - Happy New Year